Buttercup Meadows, 2020, Oil paint on Canvas, 48"x 72"
Artist's Biography
"Originally from England, I came to Canada to study, now living in Nanaimo and attending Vancouver Island University I feel I have finally found my voice with my creativity. My sculptural ceramic works respond to the world around me and my concerns for Our environment. My work explores the evolving nature of clay and how the medium becomes a metaphor for the themes I am currently exploring. In many years of higher level study in Art I have explored many themes, but I seem to keep returning to the subject of animals and how their strengths and weaknesses often relate to our own. My focus on animals also gives an attractive nature to my work whilst raising awareness and creating conversations."
Contact the artist:
Instagram: @little.voice.ceramics
Becca Savage
Artist's Statement
"In the past few years of studying Visual Arts I feel I have finally found a voice with my art, but I do not feel ready to use that voice to tell my own story yet, and so I lend my voice to those that don’t have one. Through painting, I explore the relationships between the rich colour harmonies and surface textures of oil paints. I enjoy experimenting with different painting techniques to arrive at different and satisfying results. With my subject I look to raise awareness for the animals that often get forgotten or ignored. Although I have many opinions on animal agriculture My art is not an excuse to push my own personal beliefs onto the audience. I am only hoping to raise questions on how that milk got from a pregnant cow to your morning coffee without any mention of the calf for whom it was meant to nourish. The calves are always there as a direct result of a pregnant cow, and it should be discussed directly. Rather than stepping on eggs shells around the subject and thinking about what it might be, I want the viewer to look directly into the subjects eyes, connecting or dismissing."
Chicken Portrait Along the Boarder Line Between Freedom and Farming, 2020, Oil on Canvas, 20"x 48"

Buttercup Meadows detail, 2020, Oil paint on Canvas, 48"x 72"

Chicken Portrait Along the Boarder Line Between Freedom and Farming detail, 2020, Oil on Canvas, 20"x 48"

Buttercup Meadows detail, 2020, Oil paint on Canvas, 48"x 72"

Chicken Portrait Along the Boarder Line Between Freedom and Farming detail, 2020, Oil on Canvas, 20"x 48"