Ecstatic Expansion, 2020, Plaster, wire, spray paint, foam, mixed media, 4' x 5'.

Eddy Martin Graham
Artist's Statement:
“Ever since I was a young boy I was fascinated by the art of transformation. The evolutionary experience of feeling or moving into another form within time space reality. Currently, the art of change within one’s mind, body, and spirit has brought me to my current project. The mission is to symbolise the rising of the healthy and empowered feminine, within all genders, on the planet as it moves further away from the patriarchal system to a more inclusive and equally supportive world of unity. This gives rise to a shedding of our old ways of being that inhibit our full potential. Currently, we are all going through some form of de-layering as our lives have changed
dramatically through the COVID-19 epidemic. Choosing life and love even through fear of death allows us all to become our most courageous and authentic selves… the caterpillar to the butterfly. From the dark womb, we burst into light. This is a deep remembrance that we are truly limitless. This is a rising for not only the feminine but also the healthy, awakened masculine within us all. Together in unison, the world evolves into it’s infinite potential, fully embodied... Full of beautiful butterflies. I have been deeply inspired by well known artists such as H.R. Giger, Alex Grey, Caledonia Curry aka “Swoon” for their surrealist art styles, mixed with profoundly deep subject matter. Their ability to transform ‘avant garde’ conversation into gorgeously unique art creation, is a masterful display of medium, language and the emotions of the human heart. This has been a wonderful guide for my artistic expression and my own personal and sovereign expansion.”
Artist's Biography:
"Eddy is a young man with a fiercely loving passion of facilitating Expressive Arts as therapy. He helps others dive into their emotions and explore in a safe space with love and play. He is also a professional muralist, live art painter, live painting organiser, play shop creator, Child Care Practitioner, Produces events across Vancouver Island, clothing maker, reiki master, Art Battle organizer, art teacher, holds space for his weekly men’s groups, nature enthusiast and poet.
Contact the artist:
Instagram: @arthearteddy
Ecstatic Expansion detail, 2020, Plaster, wire, spray paint, foam, mixed media, 4' x 5'.

Ecstatic Expansion detail, 2020, Plaster, wire, spray paint, foam, mixed media, 4' x 5'.

Ecstatic Expansion detail, 2020, Plaster, wire, spray paint, foam, mixed media, 4' x 5'.