Ignorance is Bliss #1, 2020, Acrylic ink, assorted toned and textured paper, book pages, hair net, ballpoint pen, rubber gloves, parking receipts, pearlescent coin envelopes, and glue, 9 x 10”.

Ignorance is Bliss #2, 2020, Acrylic ink, assorted toned and textured paper, book pages, hair net, ballpoint pen, rubber gloves, parking receipts, pearlescent coin envelopes, and glue, 9 x 10”.
Elizabeth LaRose
Artist's Statement
I am an aspiring illustrator and fan of graphic novels. Because of my love for the medium, my art often features character-related art and design. Many of the paper people in my collages are either personal doppelgangers or characters that I want to put into a graphic novel someday.
My process is often very chaotic and almost always involves some kind of mess. This can be loose, gestural sketches or many, many little pieces of paper. I also hold onto a baggie full of found objects to be used in future projects: hairnets, pencil stubs, broken earbuds, and bits of paper. Within the loose sketches and pieces of paper strewn across my desk, I aim to make sense of it all. My process is very intuitive, and hardly ever one-hundred percent planned. It all really depends on what I’m feeling.
In that regard, my current collection of collages represents some form of chaos, both literally and thematically. Some pieces feature eviscerated angry letters, personal demons, or parking receipts. Other collages reference times in my life when nothing made sense. I have a sassy personality, and what I include allows me to interject humour and personal commentary. Despite all that, I am still an illustrator at heart and love making beautiful, appealing things. I can’t help it. However, at the same time, I believe there must be a mess to bring me to the finished piece.
Contact the artist:
Instagram: @crunchipaper

I have kept this coupon, 2020, Assorted toned and textured paper, ballpoint pen, acrylic ink, pearlescent coin envelopes, book pages, glue, and a raffle coupon, 9 x 10”.

Baggy of random things for collages including: rubber gloves, broken earbuds, and pencil stubs.

Unwanted Intrusions, 2020, Assorted toned paper, book pages, acrylic ink, gold leaf, ballpoint pen, rubber gloves, black marker, and glue, 10 ½ x 10 ¾”.

Keeping it Together, 2020, Assorted toned paper, printer paper, ballpoint pen, acrylic ink, and glue, 10 ¼ x 10 ½”.

Get out (More) #5, 2020, Acrylic ink, glue, and assorted toned paper, 11 ¾ x 11”.

Get Out (More) #6, 2020, Acrylic ink, glue, and assorted toned paper, 9 x 10".

Fable, 2020, Acrylic ink, glue, and assorted toned textured paper, 9 x 10”.