Kick Back Relax, 2020, ceramic
Kick Back Relax, 2020, video installation, ceramic
Re-Creating the Past:
"One of my last memories of leaving Kauai, I place I loved and lived for five years, was taking in my recycling. I had at least one large metal trash can filled with empty beer bottles. This was not the first sign I was consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, but it has lingered in my mind as a representation of my personal struggle. I chose to make hundreds of bottles for my graduation installation for many reasons; they can be an elegant and beautiful shape, and they are technically challenging to make. This piece represents acceptance of the past and re-creation of a healthy, meaningful and purposeful present. As potters we must be prolific, and practice repetition. It is my meditation, this healthy process of creation."
Joseph Lyons
Artist's Statement:
"I strive to create work that is rooted in function and tradition of historical ceramics, of cultural practices throughout time and geographic locations. I want to fashion quality craft while simultaneously harnessing my foundational influences of hip-hop culture in the decoration and style of my work. Hip-hop was born from influences from all over the world, it is timeless and celebrates diversity. At its best, it builds beautiful community out of challenging circumstances. Hip-hop music and art was a primary influence as a young person and shaped my development as an artist, and I want to honour it with the pots I create. Graffiti represents personal freedom, risk taking and creating artwork for love and fame, not for financial gain. Ceramics are an essential way I connect with people and form meaningful and productive relationships. I enjoy every part of the creation process. I have found relaxation and healing at the potter’s wheel. I love painting the objects I make, sometimes using spray paint, stencils and pens, like I did as a teenager. I feel passionate about the collaborative spirit integral to the ceramic medium and specifically my practice. Clay is how I communicate; it is my social work."
Artist's Biography:
"Joseph Lyons discovered his love for clay as a child in Seattle, Washington. He has been an artist his whole life, working as a recording artist and professional DJ in the late 90s to present day. He taught media literacy in Seattle Public schools in 2004/5. Later in life he studied at Pottery Northwest for several years and became a studio assistant there. Upon moving to Kauai, Hawaii in 2011, he became an apprentice for master potter Dean McRaine, owner of Lightwave Pottery. In Kauai, Joe became a professional ceramic artist, selling his work in local galleries and markets. Joseph emigrated to Canada in 2016 to attend Vancouver Island University. He has sold his art at multiple shops and galleries in the BC area. He volunteers at local schools, working with youth, leading pottery workshops. He is an active member of the Tozan Woodfire Society. He teaches at Nanaimo Ceramic Arts and Bowen Park Pottery Studio and works at Vancouver Island Pottery Supply."